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Overview: Safe Pinned Initialization

In this blog post I will try to explain the problem of Safe Pinned Initialization. I am going to tackle the issue from two perspectives:

In order to aid the second perspective, I will try to cater specifically to C-only kernel developers. While this document is written with C developers in mind, it does not explain the basic concepts of Rust. So if you are not at all familiar with Rust, I would recommend reading at least chapters 3 and 4 of the Rust book.

I want to remove unsafe from the Mutex<T> initializing API in the Linux kernel. From a Rust perspective, this API design is terrible. Sadly, it is warranted and results from the poor Pin<P> ergonomics present in the language.

First I am going to explain the origin of the unsafety. After that I will present the solutions that exist to get rid of it.

What does Pin<P> have to do with Mutex<T>?

What is Pin<P>?

There are some great resources on pinning. It is a rather long article and I would only suggest it to you if you already know a little bit about futures. In the next section I will explain how the Linux mutex works and also why it needs to be pinned. For a C programmer it might be enough to just read this part to understand what pinning achieves here.

mutex in the kernel

The Mutex<T> from the rust binding of the kernel is a wrapper of the mutex struct from the kernel. Here is its definition1:

struct mutex {
    atomic_long_t       owner;
    raw_spinlock_t      wait_lock;
    struct list_head    wait_list;

The spinlock protects the wait_list, so we can only access it while holding the lock. Locking roughly works like this2:

check if owner is null (this is atomic, so no data races can occur)

The crux of the problem lies in the type of list used as the wait_list. The list is

It is very common in the kernel, but Rust has its share of difficulties with it. Using such a list has many benefits for the kernel:

There are probably more advantages, but for this post these are the most important ones. The Rust binding could use a different, more Rust compatible list (implementing a doubly linked list in Rust is a pain). But that would not be a great solution, as now a majority of Linux structures could not be used in Rust.

This list is a problem for Rust, because it is self-referential and that is poorly compatible with the ownership model in Rust.

What role does Pin<P> play?

Let’s look at the following example that produces a segfault:


struct list_head {
    struct list_head* next;
    struct list_head* prev;

void init_list_head(struct list_head* head) {
    // a list with one element points to itself
    head->next = head;
    head->prev = head;

void add_list(struct list_head* head, struct list_head* element) {
    // we want to insert element as the next element of head.
    // for that the current next elment needs to become
    // the successor of element.
    element->next = head->next;
    head->next->prev = element;
    head->next = element;
    element->prev = head;

void debug_iter_list(struct list_head* head) {
    struct list_head* start = head;
    do {
        printf("%p\n", head);
        head = head->next;
    } while(head != start);

struct list_head add_element(struct list_head* head) {
    struct list_head element;
    add_list(head, &element);
    return element;

int main() {
    struct list_head head;
    struct list_head element = add_element(&head);
    printf("iterating list...\n");

When executing it segfaults:

$ ./a.out
iterating list...
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Most C developers will immediately see the problem with this snippet. The add_element function allocates a list_head on the stack and then inserts it into the list. The compiler then moves the element from the stack frame of add_element into the stack frame of main. But the pointers in head have not been updated. It still points into the former stack frame of add_element. That memory is repurposed by printf and now contains garbage.

So in order for this type of list to work, each element needs to have a stable address for the duration it stays in the list. It would be completely fine to remove the element at the end of add_element.

Because this problem is a memory error, Rust will need to somehow ensure the invariant at compile time (after all that is what Rust does). The solution is Pin<P> wrapping a pointer P. For certain types, (types that are !Unpin) it prevents users from moving the pointee. This is achieved through not giving access to &mut T (unsafe code can still do what it wants, but we will have to ensure the invariant manually!).

In order for our API to work in Rust, each function that would normally take a &mut ListHead now needs to use Pin<&mut ListHead> instead. At first glance, this is not a problem. But how do we access a mutex from an outer struct? Here is an artificial example:

struct DriverData {
    command_queue: Mutex<Queue<Command>>,
    // ...
impl DriverData {
    /// # Safety
    /// caller has to call `init`
    unsafe fn new_driver_data() -> Self {
        Self {
            // SAFETY: caller will call init()
            command_queue: unsafe { Mutex::new(Queue::new()) },

    fn init(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
        Mutex::init(&mut self.mutex);
        //          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: cannot borrow as mutable

Because Pin prohibits access to &mut Self, we cannot get access to the command_queue. But how do we access Pin<&mut Mutex> from Pin<&mut Self>? This is called a pin-projection. Fundamentally, it is a tricky operation, because we have to ensure that only Pin<&mut Mutex> is ever produced (otherwise we would be violating the pin invariant). Currently this operation is unsafe.

The pin-project crate provides a proc-macro that allows safe pin-projections, but it requires the syn crate as a dependency. That is not an option for the kernel at the moment3. There is an alternative without proc macros: pin-project-lite, but it is implemented as a very convoluted macro. So the kernel has been using unsafe for projections.

I am currently working on a solution to the problem of projection. You can find the RFC here. I am relatively confident that we can solve the projection issue soon (at least faster than the issue presented here).

So everything is fine?

Well this section would not exist if it was… How do we initialize a self-referential struct like list_head? In Rust we would normally write an initializer like this:

impl<T> Mutex<T> {
    fn new(data: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            // ...

The caller will move the returned value to a suitable location. This could for example be the heap via Box::new(Mutex::new()) 4.

When handling list_head, we would like to set next and prev to the address of self. However, that address is only known after the construction of our value…

The current solution in the kernel binding is to have two functions:

impl<T> Mutex<T> {
    /// # Safety
    /// the caller is required to call `init`
    unsafe fn new() -> Self;
    fn init(self: Pin<&mut Self>);

In new the list_head is not actually initialized. The field is stored in MaybeUninit so it is left uninitialized until init is called. init then can then set next and prev, because it knows the location is not going to change. unsafe is used to make sure init is called before the mutex is used. If it were used without calling init, the mutex would be accessing uninitialized memory.

It is this unsafe that I want to get rid off. As a consequence, the API will only provide a single function to create and initialize a mutex, so it will also become more ergonomic in the process.

What are the requirements for a solution?

  1. Pinning guarantees (ensures that the pointee stays pinned if it is !Unpin)
  2. Safety
  3. Fallible initialization,
  4. Performance (performs almost 5 as well as the unsafe version would)
  5. Ergonomics,
  6. Ecosystem migration ergonomics (has low friction of migration, both users and library authors should only have to apply minimal changes to the call/definition sites)

The two perspectives (Rust design and kernel design) have different priorities. Rust design would order the requirements like this:

  1. Pinning guarantees
  2. Safety
  3. Ecosystem migration ergonomics, Performance, Ergonomics
  4. Fallible initialization

Kernel design has different priorities:

  1. Pinning guarantees
  2. Fallible initialization
  3. Performance
  4. Ecosystem migration ergonomics, Ergonomics, Safety

In an ideal world we would be able to have a solution that fulfills every requirement. That still might be possible, but also difficult to find. The total order I am going to use to rate the solutions is going to be:

  1. Pinning guarantees
  2. Safety
  3. Fallible initialization
  4. Performance
  5. Ergonomics
  6. Ecosystem migration ergonomics

Lets go over each point and discuss why we need it.

1. Pinning guarantees

This is quintessential for any self-referential struct to work.

2. Safety

This essentially boils down to why we want Rust in system programming in the first place:

3. Fallible initialization

In the kernel, memory allocations can fail. When this happens in a userspace program, then the system is indeed in a dire situation. But in the kernel the very code we are writing is in charge of the physical memory. We could for example move some pages to swap space if we run out of memory. So graceful handling of errors is of utmost importance.

4. Performance

The kernel is – like many system programs – performance critical. One solution is to wrap every Mutex inside a Box. This would introduce a heap allocation for every single mutex, which is unacceptable for the kernel.

While it is probably unrealistic to expect machinecode parity with the unsafe solution, optimizing this is still a high priority.

5. Ergonomics

Users should not need to adhere to unnecessarily convoluted syntax and there should only be one function call/statement that they need to write in order to initialize something pinned.

Simpler code is easier to read, write and thus maintain.

6. Ecosystem migration ergonomics

Making it easy for existing codebases to migrate to the newest feature is an important consideration. If we are going to add a new feature then we should make it as accessible as possible.

Ideally nobody would have to change anything. But because Rust needs to be transparent, this is impossible. The bare minimum is going to be changing the definition site of initializers and smart pointer initializers. But I am not sure if that is enough to fulfill the other requirements.


unsafe solution

I already introduced it earlier, but here is the complete code to initialize a mutex in the Rust binding of the Linux kernel6:

pub struct Mutex<T: ?Sized> {
    /// The kernel `struct mutex` object.
    mutex: Opaque<bindings::mutex>,

    /// A mutex needs to be pinned because it contains a [`struct list_head`] that is
    /// self-referential, so it cannot be safely moved once it is initialised.
    _pin: PhantomPinned,

    /// The data protected by the mutex.
    data: UnsafeCell<T>,

impl<T> Mutex<T> {
    /// Constructs a new mutex.
    /// # Safety
    /// The caller must call [`Mutex::init_lock`] before using the mutex.
    pub const unsafe fn new(t: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            mutex: Opaque::uninit(),
            data: UnsafeCell::new(t),
            _pin: PhantomPinned,

    pub fn init(self: Pin<&mut Self>, name: &'static CStr, key: &'static LockClassKey) {
        unsafe { bindings::__mutex_init(self.mutex.get(), name.as_char_ptr(), key.get()) };

The name and key parameters in the init function are from lockdep and not needed for the functionality of the mutex. Opaque<bindings::mutex> essentially is MaybeUninit<bindings::mutex> (it does some more things that are not important for this post).

Now if we want to embed a Mutex<T> in a custom struct, all we need to do is:

struct DriverData {
    command_queue: Mutex<Queue<Command>>,
    // we also have a big buffer that might fail to allocate
    buffer: Box<[u8; 1000_000]>,
impl DriverData {
    /// # Safety
    /// caller has to call init()
    unsafe fn new() -> Result<Self, AllocError> {
        Ok(Self {
            // SAFETY caller will call init()
            command_queue: unsafe { Mutex::new(Queue::new()) },
            buffer: Box::try_new([0; 1000_000])?,

    fn init(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
        // SAFETY: we never move out of the closure variable, we need this to do projections
        let command_queue = unsafe { Pin::map_unchecked_mut(self, |this| &mut this.command_queue) };
        // this macro creates the lockclasskey and initializes the mutex
        mutex_init!(command_queue, "DriverData::command_queue");

Let’s see how many criteria are met:

  1. Pinning guarantees
  2. Safety
  3. Fallible initialization
  4. Performance
  5. Ergonomics
  6. Ecosystem migration ergonomics

Point 1 is only checked because we heavily rely on unsafe though…

A big problem is that we can still forget to initialize the mutex.

All in all not a great solution. However, it checks all of the boxes a solution requires to be used in the kernel (which is why it is currently being used).

&uninit T

There already has been an RFC trying to introduce this concept. The proposal has some drawbacks and it was postponed because it wanted to introduce a new reference type. That is something the lang team is very careful with. There exists an even older RFC that tried to create something similar.

I do not think a new proposal will go any different. But regardless, lets apply our checklist:

  1. Pinning guarantees
  2. Safety
  3. Fallible initialization
  4. Performance
  5. Ergonomics
  6. Ecosystem migration ergonomics

The biggest problems are the inability to handle fallible initialization and failure to uphold the pinning guarantees. It would need to be somehow extended to account for that. There is no obvious solution and I view the alternatives as more promising, so I think we can rule this approach out as impractical.

Because of these limitations and the lack of specification of this approach, I will not try to recreate the example.

placement by return

I have already written a post about this. In that post I go over how the RFC for placement by return would need to be modified in order to support our use case.

My view has changed a bit since writing that post. One of the bigger blockers are spurious copies inserted for correctness. This was brought up in the zulip discussion by bjorn. There are a lot of strings attached to solving that, so I think that placement by return is not the best way forward.

Here is the example from before with all of my extensions from the blog post:

struct DriverData {
    command_queue: Mutex<Queue<Command>>,
    // we also have a big buffer that might fail to allocate
    buffer: Box<[u8; 1000_000]>,

impl DriverData {
    fn new() -> Result<Self, AllocError> {
        Ok(Self {
            command_queue: Mutex::new(Queue::new()),
            buffer: Box::try_new([0; 1000_000])?,

Ergonomically, this is really nice. But it relies a lot on compiler magic doing the correct thing. Nonetheless lets go over our checklist:

  1. Pinning guarantees
  2. Safety
  3. Fallible initialization
  4. Performance
  5. Ergonomics
  6. Ecosystem migration ergonomics

well isn’t that great! However there are a couple of asterisks attached to those boxes. Here is the version without all of the definitely not controversial/incomplete changes that I proposed in my blog post:

  1. Pinning guarantees
  2. Safety
  3. Fallible initialization
  4. Performance
  5. Ergonomics
  6. Ecosystem migration ergonomics

Without those it doesn’t work. These extensions would also make the RFC a lot more complex than it already is. Altogether I do not think that we can merge these two features into one.

In-place constructor

Here is a blog post going over interoperability with C++’s move constructors. This pattern can already be turned into a succinct library that hides all of the unsafe stuff behind a declarative macro. I have created an implementation here and an integration into the kernel here.

The design is as follows:

struct DriverData {
    command_queue: Mutex<Queue<Command>>,
    // we also have a big buffer that might fail to allocate
    buffer: Box<[u8; 1000_000]>,
impl DriverData {
    fn new() -> impl PinInitializer<Self, AllocError> {
        pin_init!(Self {
            command_queue: Mutex::new(Queue::new()),
            buffer: Box::try_new([0; 1000_000])?,

No unsafe needed!

The mutex is a bit more complicated, but it also has to dip its toes into ffi:

impl<T> Mutex<T>
    pub const fn new(
        t: T,
        name: &'static CStr,
        key: &'static LockClassKey,
    ) -> impl PinInitializer<Self, !> {
        fn init_mutex(
            name: &'static CStr,
            key: &'static LockClassKey,
        ) -> impl PinInitializer<Opaque<bindings::mutex>, !> {
            let init = move |place: *mut Opaque<bindings::mutex>| {
                unsafe {
                    bindings::__mutex_init(Opaque::raw_get(place), name.as_char_ptr(), key.get())
            // SAFETY: mutex has been initialized
            unsafe { PinInit::from_closure(init) }
        pin_init!(Self {
            mutex: init_mutex(name, key),
            data: UnsafeCell::new(t),
            _pin: PhantomPinned,

To create a Pin<Box<DriverData>> we have to call a new function on Box: Box::pin_init(DriverData::new()).

Here is the checklist:

  1. Pinning guarantees
  2. Safety
  3. Fallible initialization
  4. Performance
  5. Ergonomics
  6. Ecosystem migration ergonomics

Additionally, this library solution is the smallest I have been able to come up yet (I had two prior solutions with a lot more complexity. Like 2000+ lines of complexity). All of the code fits into less than 400 lines!

The drawbacks of this solution are:

I addressed the last two problems in a new variation. The first problem is inherent to this solution and it will probably not be fixable, unless we want to extend Box::new4.

Lang support could lead to better ergonomics, but I am not sure if we want to lose the transparency. In practice it could be done by changing the function signatures to:

impl<T> Box<T> {
    fn new(data: k#init T) -> Self;
    fn new_in(data: k#init T) -> Self;
    fn pin(data: k#init T) -> Self;
    fn try_new(data: k#init T) -> Result<Self, AllocError>;
    // etc.

And then one could continue to use Box::pin(Mutex::new())4. However, user initializers would still have to be rewritten (just not the call sites).

Additional usage

These in-place constructors could also be used in other places. They would also permit the efficient initialization of large structures/arrays, because there would be no construction on the stack.

The issue with that would be, most initializers are currently written in the return-and-then-copy fashion. They would need to be rewritten and Rust’s standard way of initialization would become in-place. I am not sure if we want to start such a large migration without exploring every alternative at hand.

With a bit of work, unsized values could also be supported. It could work similarly to how the current placement by return RFC handles them: the initializer is a state machine that

  1. computes the layout based on the given parameters,
  2. lets the caller allocate some memory,
  3. populate the memory location as before.

I have not implemented that in the macro yet. So I do not know of any hurdles that might be present.


I am not aware of any other solutions and would love to hear something new on this issue. At the moment, I think that in-place constructors seem like the best way forward. With a small lang addition (keyword/attribute/magic type) parameters and return types could be marked as an initializer for the given value. There are still some more details that need to be nailed down, (going to write a pre-rfc soon) but in principal I think this could work.

With the macro I have written this can already be tried with a bit more ergonomic overhead (I plan to release it as a crate, but I am waiting for a little bit more feedback).

If you have feedback/questions feel free to post them in the internals thread.


  1. I have stripped debug information and other pre-processor information, see the original code here

  2. I have simplified the process in order to aid understanding. Visit the documentation for details. 

  3. The syn crate has about 55k+ loc. The rust binding for the Linux kernel has about 22k+ loc. 

  4. When I am writing Box::new I am also referring to all other Box creation functions, especially those returning a Result instead of panicking.  2 3

  5. In some contexts it is fine to have worse performance, if we can guarantee correctness. 

  6. Again, some part have been omitted. For the exact details review the code here